Fes el teu EVS a Dublin!

Fes el teu EVS a Dublin!

La brancia irlandesa de l'SCI cerca voluntari/a per donar suport en l'emplaçament a camps de voluntariat internacional. Afanya't, pots inscriure't fins el 27 de juny!

VSI Placement Officer (EVS) Role Description 2018
Focus of the Placement Officer: International volunteer exchange and support

Overall purpose of the Placement Officer: 

To support the implementation of the VSI International Volunteer Projects (IVP) and Long-term Volunteering (LTV) programmes in cooperation with the programme Coordinators, committees and the  VSI CEO.

The EVS volunteer will be involved in volunteer recruitment, administration of volunteer placements, supporting volunteers during volunteer projects while abroad and in Ireland, supporting short-term volunteer projects and hosts in Ireland. The volunteer will support the preparation and evaluation of volunteers and projects. The volunteer will also support VSI staff and other volunteers on marketing and information giving, contributing to VSI’s social media presence and also in non-formal education on peace issues and development education.

During the EVS we expect the volunteer to acquire the following competencies:

– To gain knowledge, insight and experience of working with an international NGO and a national NGO in Ireland
– Skills in the area of ‘interculturalism’ and in areas that we work on including peace, equality, social inclusion and the environment
– Work/career skills including team-work, organisational and communication skills, skills in non-formal and informal education
– Personal skills (communication skills, autonomy, independence)
– Linguistic skills

Main Duties:

Supporting the Volunteer Programme Coordinator and Committees in running the International Volunteer Projects (IVP) programme:

– Supporting the IVP/LTV teams in preparation, implementation and evaluation of the programmes and support of the volunteer members of the IVP/LTV Committees
– Processing incoming and outgoing volunteer applications (with the VSI Administrator) and supporting volunteers through all stages of their involvement with VSI (application, preparation, volunteering projects, evaluation, follow-up)
– Supporting host organisations and volunteers in Ireland pre, during and post projects, this involves visiting the projects around Ireland
– Supporting the IVP/LTV teams in peace education and raising awareness on peace issues through non-formal and informal education sessions
– Liaison with VSI’s international branches and partner organisations
– Publicity, this includes attending events, participating in promotional and publicity activities, representing VSI at volunteer fairs etc.
– Contributing to VSI’s social media
– Responding to enquiries to VSI (phone, email, social media, callers to office)

In cooperation with the staff team:

– Assisting with other VSI activities e.g. Annual General Meeting
– Assisting in office related duties with other staff members as appropriate, this includes answering general enquiries
– Attend staff and other meetings as appropriate

Training will be provided where appropriate, this might include international training opportunities and seminars.

The VSI Placement Officer is responsible to the VSI CEO with whom s/he will meet regularly. The EVS volunteer will write regular reports as agreed with the VSI CEO. 


Working hours: 35 hours per week
The volunteer will be based in the VSI office located in Dublin city centre, office hours are from 9.00am – 5.00pm. The volunteer will sometimes be required to work in the evenings and at weekends, time in lieu will be allocated to cover these hours.
Annual leave equivalent to 2 days per month of the EVS project plus national Irish holidays.

Si estàs interessat/ada, escriu amb el teu CV i carta de motivació en anglès a longterm@sci-cat.org abans del 27 de juny.