Fes el teu EVS als Balcans!

Fes el teu EVS als Balcans!

Diferents organitzacions dels Balcans busquen persones per fer EVS!

Pots consultar la informació sobre el Servei de Voluntariat Europeu aquí. Hi trobaràs tota la informació relacionada amb què és, qui hi pot participar i com.

Velebit Association Kuterevo (VUK Croatia) is excited to announce that the project Mountain spirit – Strategic EVS in Nature Conservation is approved. The project will start in February and will last for 30 months until the end of July 2020.


MountainSpirit – Strategic EVS for Nature Conservation is a project involving several EVS short and long-term volunteer exchanges in the mountains of Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia and Bulgaria. It aims at combining efforts of international volunteers and local people from mountainous/rural areas for nature conservation activities in protected areas or species. Moreover, we plan several complementary activities which will strengthen the capacity of organizations and volunteers for working on the topics and for cooperation with the respective organizations.


In the links you can find the project descriptionshort description of activities and timeline. In 2018 we foresee to have the following activities:

1. Volunteers for short term EVS

  • Kuterevo – Bear Refuge (12 volunteers for 59 days)
  • Kosovo – NP Sharr Mountain (12 volunteers for 30 days) – Erasmus+ Program Countries
  • Kosovo – Prishtina Bear Sanctuary (14 volunteers for 15 days) – Erasmus+ Program Countries
  • Serbia – NP Frushka Gora (12 volunteers for 15 days) – Erasmus+ Program Countries
  • Bulgaria – Nature School Vlahi (10 volunteers for 20 days)

2. Volunteers for long term EVS

  • Kuterevo – Bear Refuge (3 volunteers for 8 months) (German speaking volunteers preferred)
  • Kosovo – NP Sharr Mountain (2 volunteers for 6 months) – Erasmus+ Program Countries


The calls for long-term volunteers for Kuterevo Bear Refuge, Croatia and National Park Sharr Mountain, Kosovo are already open and in the upcoming weeks we will upload the calls for the short-term EVS exchange.


You can find the calls for long-term volunteers with detailed information and how to apply here:

The volunteers should fill in an online form (common for all vacancies) and send a specific motivation and CV to the respective project they are applying to. Incomplete applications will not be considered!

Si estàs interessat/ada, escriu un correu amb el teu CV i una carta de motivació (en anglès) a longterm@sci-cat.org el més aviat possible.