Call for EVS participants in Catalunya!

Call for EVS participants in Catalunya!

Tens amigues i amics d'altres països europeus que coneguin SCI i tinguin ganes d'implicar-s'hi més? Que els interessi la sostenibilitat i vulguin aprendre sobre permacultura?

Envia'ls aquesta notícia! Estem buscant persones motivades que vulguin fer el seu Servei de Voluntariat Europeu (EVS) amb nosaltres. 

SCI Catalunya is opening a call for EVS candidates (Erasmus+ programme or partner countries) for the February deadline to participate in 2 different projects in Catalunya:

1) We are looking for 2 motivated volunteers to support the work in SCI Catalunya (our office).

When? September 2018 – September 2019

Where? El Raval, Barcelona

More info here!

The candidates should fill this form:



2) We are looking for 2 volunteers highly interested in sustainable development and easily adaptable for Associació pel Desenvolupament Local i Alternatiu – Can Pipirimosca (ADeLA).

When? End of July 2018 – End of January 2019

Where? Valls, Tarragona

More info here!

The candidates should fill this form:

The deadline is January 9th for both options and the interested volunteers should fill the specific form and send a CV + motivation letter (in Catalan, Spanish or English) to

We will be very grateful to receive your applications. Thank you very much! 🙂