Busquem voluntàries per marxar de camp al Kurdistan i al Liban!

Busquem voluntàries per marxar de camp al Kurdistan i al Liban!

Participa als camps de voluntariat que s'organitzen al Kurdistan turc i al Líban durant el mes de setembre

Per participar en aquests camps has de tenir més de 20 anys i força experiència en voluntariat i activisme local o voluntariat internacional, ja que són zones amb certa inestabilitat, actualment. A part d'això, les condicions de participació són les mateixes que en els altres camps de voluntariat. Si estàs interessat/ada en algun camp en aquesta zona, envia un correu amb la teva carta de motivació a outgoing@sci-cat.org.
Description: Sur, which means “fortress walls” in Turkish, takes its name from the centuries-old walls encircling the old city of Diyarbakir, which was added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List last year, shortly before the unrest broke. Home to some 125,000 people, half of them residents of the ancient walled city, the district is dotted by numerous historical monuments and houses of traditional architecture. Volunteers will work in ‘Sur’ town of Diyarbakir. There are was a conflict (almost a civil war) between armed Kurdish youth and Turkish Security Forces for months. After 103 days curfew and conflict; hundreds people lost their lives, thousands people lost their houses, hundreds buildings were ruined and more than 10.000 children couldn’t go to the school for months.

Type of Work: Traditional Street Games and Rhythm workshops with children of Sur. We will also be flexible for the ideas of the volunteers and will be able to add some new workshops according to the volunteers’ skills. Furthermore, we will have one day –more physical- work in order to re-design/paint the wall of children center.

Study Theme: The study part will be focused in the history of Diyarbakir and the Kurdish Culture, as well as the situation in Turkish Kurdistan.

Accommodation: Guest House with all the facilities, bed, toilette, shower, etc.

Language: English


Shatila Refugee Camp (Líban)
De l'11 al 20 de setembre

Description: Each year, during the third week of September, Palestinians, Lebanese, as well as international supporters, pause to reflect upon and commemorate the victims of one of the twentieth century’s most horrific and cynical crimes: the Sabra-Shatila massacre that took place in September 16-19th in Beirut. This year’s commemoration is impacted by local and regional conditions and political developments: the civil war in Syria forced Palestinian refugees into Lebanon, embittering the socio-economic status within the refugee camps.

Type of Work: The activities on spot will be managed by Italian Peace Association and Children and Youth Centre Shatila. They will be focused on: – preparing a reportage about Shatila Camp after 34 years of massacre with a particular attention to Syrian refugees who fund a shelter in or around the camp; – developing communication skill of youths throw peer education; – creating a relationship among the youths from different country and culture – supporting the partner in the preparation and implementation of 34th ceremony of Sabra and Shatila massacre.

Study Theme: Volunteers will know from inside the situation of refugees in Lebanon, and they will know at the same time on how the situation of Palestinians is in Lebanon.

Accommodation: Volunteers will be accommodated in a guest house where they will find all the needed basic facilities: beds, showers, etc.

Language: English
