URGENT! Participa a un seminari a Jordània sobre el medi ambient en l’entorn rural

URGENT! Participa a un seminari a Jordània sobre el medi ambient en l’entorn rural

Del 20 al 27 de desembre Jordània acull un seminari sobre el medi ambient com a eina per a l'ocupabilitat de la joventut rural. Es subvencionarà el 30% del viatge.

* Per participar dels seminaris internacionals cal ser soci/a de l'SCI. En cas que no ho siguis, pots donar-te d'alta molt fàcilment aquí.

Using environment as a tool for youth employability in rural areas
Training Course

Dates: 20 Dec. 2015 arrival – 27 Dec 2015 departure 

Descarrega't aquí tota la informació.

Location: Jordan Valley (Ghour), Al-Shouneh Al-Janoubyeh. 40 minutes from Queen Alia International airport.

Financial conditions: Everything is funded except the 30% of the flight tickets.

In Jordan, youth aged 15-24 comprise 70 percent of the population and constitute the highest percentage of the unemployed (50.1 percent in 2010); 89.1 percent of those aged 15-19 and 55.1 percent of those aged 20-24 are considered not economically active. Employers from both the public and private sectors complain that there is a mismatch between available skills and market demand. This is compounded by cultural norms and beliefs that employment in certain industries (e.g., tourism and hospitality) is “shameful.” According to the Arab Knowledge report, the Arab world will be required to head towards lifelong learning and increase on-the-job training opportunities. Therefore, this Training Course (TC) is timely to investigate other innovative ways for job creation especially that it is tackling environment as a domain for employability. 

In his most recent letter published in March 2015, his Majesty King Abdullah stated how important it is to bring opportunities for Jordanian youth and to unleash their potential. His Majesty said: “We want our youth to be qualified and capable to compete effectively at national, regional and international levels.” Stemming from his Majesty's words; our TC aims at providing competencies and tools to create general understanding for youth in rural communities about how to use ‘environment’ as a source for employability and to promote innovative ideas for sustainable social entrepreneurship related to ‘environment’ (creation of jobs).

1. To create general understanding among youth in rural communities about how to use their own ‘environment’ as a source for their employability.
2. To promote innovative ideas for social entrepreneurship related to ‘environment’ (creation of jobs)
3. To develop knowledge about environmentally linked businesses: eco-tourism; community development projects; eco-parks, etc.
4. To motivate youth to establish environment-based local social enterprises.
5. To implement field research by youth for possible uses of their own environment as a sustainable resource for their employability.
6. To share best practices for management of local environmental enterprises.

If you are interested in this project send an email with a Motivation Letter to suds@sci-cat.org before the 30th of November.