Dret al propi cos, sexualitat i gènere, no et perdis aquest seminari internacional!

Dret al propi cos, sexualitat i gènere, no et perdis aquest seminari internacional!

El seminari tindrà lloc del 10 al 17 de Juliol a Polònia! La llengua vehicular serà l'anglès

The training is organized by CCIVS and FIYE Poland, and it takes part of the campaign "Raising Peace". The Campaign is thought as a process that leads to the empowerment of the IVS movement, and civil society in general, for advocacy and activism on Human Rights

Objectives of the training: The rights related to gender, sexuality and to the own body :

  • to learn, reflect and communicate on the situation, causes, and alternatives around Human Rights in Europe, and especially regarding the LGBT community and the personal right to choose own personal orientation;
  • to empower participants with abilities to implement and lead peace and human rights campaigning activities;
  • to spread awareness through campaigning activities on the topic of the peace week, locally and internationally;
  • to make advocacy in front of relevant institutions in order to promote programmes and protection regarding the topic of the peace week.
Financial conditions:

The financial regulations from the EYF state that participants should be aged from 18-30 years of age- if you are over this age please still apply as there are options available.
There is a 100€ participation fee per participant to be paid in euros on arrival.
Member organisations and partners are expected to cover the travel costs of their representatives. There will be 100% travel reimbursement up to 250€ which will be reimbursed by CCIVS the earliest 3 months after the end of the training on receipt of all boarding passes, train/bus tickets, visa receipts and a copy of visa page on the passport etc..,
The cost of visa will be reimbursed up to 60€

If you are interested send us an email to: voluntariat@sci-catalunya.org . The deadline is the 10th of June!