Apunta’t a un dels 8 Camps Internacionals antiracistes

Apunta’t a un dels 8 Camps Internacionals antiracistes
Encara queden places per a camps de treball antiracistes amb un retorn del 70% del vol!

El Servei Civil Internacional de Catalunya dins el projecte Citzens Beyond Walls co-organitza 8 setmanes antiracistes i per la pau a 8 països d'Europa.

Citizens Beyond Walls és un projecte internacional subvencionat per la Comissió Europea que vol profunditzar en els punts calents de la extrema dreta Europea i buscar noves fórmules i bones pràctiques antiracistes en els països participants. Per aquest motiu organitzem dues activitats: Una recerca sobre la problemàtica i les bones pràctiques en contra del discurs de l'Odi a cada país i 8 Camps de treball antiracistes on podran participar 2 persones per país a cada camp.

Queden places a:


14.7.2014 – 21.7.2014

place: Rome

accommodation: social hostel, rooms 6-8 people

food: provided

working part: organisation and construction of the final public event, supporting the construction and preparation of the scenography and the local spaces and in the promotion of the event. In addition, the volunteers will be involved in the organisation of a street exhibition/flashmob

More information: http://www.workcamps.info/icamps/ES-CAT/ca/camp-details/camp-7628.html


Encara per definir


Accomodation: Hostel, rooms 4-8 people

Food: Provided

Working part: Different forms of art will be used as a method to promote social inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers. The volunteers will be involved in the creation and implementation of street actions to raise awareness about refugees, asylum-seekers and human rights. In addition, volunteers will also be taking part in, and the promotion of, a public event on the world refugee day. The volunteers will have the chance to see one of the refugee centers in Sofia and work together with refugees/asylum seekers and fellow local volunteers.

Study part:  The study theme of the work camp will be in line with the topic of the project. The volunteers will have study sessions and workshops on the topic of refugees, asylum seekers and human rights. There will also be an opportunity to discuss and exchange experiences on the situation in the different countries and upgrade the planned actions with the knowledge and joint ideas of the group. 


15.7. – 21.7.2014 (15.7. arrival, 21.7. departure)

place: Buchholz (close to Hamburg)

accommodation: In Heideruh, a recreation site for antifascists (www.heideruh.de)

food: lunch will be provided, vegetarian is possible

working part: making interviews/ videos with refugees who live in Heideruh and with activists from different parts of society who try to support the refugees; organise a public event in Buchholz to arise awareness on the situation of refugees and on fascist activities in the region, who endanger refugees and antifascist activists; maybe a little physical work at the house or in the garden

study part: lectures and workshops on the topic of refugees and right wing extremism, visiting Hamburg and the memorial of the former concentration camp “Neuengamme”

More information: http://www.workcamps.info/icamps/ES-CAT/ca/camp-details/camp-7630.html

Països Baixos:



Accomodation: Hostel

Food: Will be provided

Working Part: Documentary screening lectures discussion of art exhibition

More information: http://workcamps.info/icamps/ES-CAT/ca/camp-details/camp-7665.html

Per participar en alguna de les 8 Setmanes per la Pau heu d'enviar un correu amb el vostre CV amb anglès i el formulari (http://www.sci-cat.org/documents/carta-motivacio.doc) a projectes@sci-cat.org amb el títol Peace Week i el país on voleu participar. Les quotes seran les de qualsevol camp de l'SCI (40 Euros de soci + 75 pel camp) tot i que els vols estaran subvencionats al 70%. L'hospedatge està inclòs i les condicions dels àpats estan descrites en cada camp.